
At The Gillford Centre we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, which includes:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes


All concerns are dealt with by the Safeguarding Team at The Gillford Centre PRU:

  • James Nichols (Designated Safegaurding Lead)
  • Rachel Clark (Deputy DSL)
  • Alan Inglis (Primary Coordinator)
  • David Hewson (KS4 Coordinator)
  • Su Black (Maths Lead and SENDCO)

The above staff are all trained to the level of Designated Safeguarding Lead by our LSB.  All other staff receive annual training and updated information throughout the year

Should you have any concerns about your child or a child who attends The Gillford Centre PRU please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Safeguarding Team.


Safeguarding Concerns at The Gillford Centre

All staff are asked to report any causes for concern to any member of Safeguarding Team in the first instance.

Concerns will be shared with the necessary agencies, parents or carers as early as possible. 

If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding outside of school hours please email our DSL on [email protected]



Absence and lateness is recorded by the Attendance Officer;  

Cassandra Lowes

Reasons are sought for all absences. Concerns around attendance may be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Parents/carers will be informed when concerns arise around attendance.  The Gillford Centre will also work with the Local Authority to issue Parental Warning Notices and look at prosecution where the situation arises.


Support for Familes/Early Help Assessments/Family Partners/Multi Agency Working

We work collaboratively with external agencies to ensure that children are safeguarded and welfare is promoted.

We actively work with families to secure positive outcomes for both children and families.


What is E-Safety?

E-safety is a term which applies not only the internet but other ways in which young people communicate using electronic media, e.g. mobile phones.  It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies without risk to themselves or others.

Please take a look at the documents below which describe ways in which young people can stay safe.


The internet and social media have now become an integral part of the way people live their lives. It is a great way to stay connected with friends and family however you need to be wary about the personal information you post and the risks you can face.


You can find out more information about how our children use the internet and social media, the risks they face and how to set privacy settings at:








More information can be found here:


Parental controls - There are free parental controls and filters available to help you set safer boundaries for your children on the internet and their mobile phones, but you will usually be required to set them up. Please visit the link below for guidelines on how to do this.


Operation Encompass
What is Operation Encompass?
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day. 
Cumbria County Council, the police and nominated Key Adults in school will be working together to make sure that school staff are made aware of an incident early enough to support pupils in school.  
Why was Operation Encompass  introduced in Cumbria? 
Operation Encompass was initially launched in Plymouth in February 2011 to address a shortcoming in the early sharing of information with schools. Since then several pilots have been set up across the UK, including Gateshead and South Tyneside, and has proved to very successful in providing appropriate support in a timely manner. Pilots across the UK have reported positive outcomes for many children and young people. 
How does it work? 
Each morning a police officer will review all domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school but which might have had an impact on a child attending school the following day. Where children were present, witnessed or involved in a domestic abuse incident and aged between 4 and 16 years old, the officer will send this information to Children’s Social Care Front Door Service.
This information will be shared on school days during school term and, when incidents occur on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or over a holiday period, the police will contact the Front Door the following Monday. 

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